The Experimentalist Podcast: Session 023 by Brandon Mitchell

Ogle B Straight records for the first time in about a month. This one is totally live. It's just a little easier that way. Mistakes were in the old ones, so. . .come on. It's cool. Otherwise he'd be sitting around dreaming of working all day. And not work meaning 'hard, enjoyable work that feeds the soul' but work meaning 'somewhat difficult and tolerable work that pays the bills'. He hopes you find something in there worth the price of salt.

The Experimentalist Podcast Session 022 by Brandon Mitchell

OBS comes out for a new PCast because the corporate world is off on the 4th of July. We got our independence from England and then said "Yo, MF's, let's all take the day off of work! Yay!" because we're Americans and we can do what we want. And, it works out because OBS had a day of to talk about his _______ being _______. If you like mad libs, you can fill in the blanks (that's a call back to the beginning of the PCast) with a noun and a verb. You can also learn the true answer during the episode.

The Experimentalist Podcast Session 021 by Brandon Mitchell

Getting back to work. That might be the theme here. Who the hell knows? Regardless of everything, decisions have been made and new challenges have been accepted. Ogle B Straight deals with the future by bringing back old songs from the past. He performs "The Bluegrass Jam" aka "Apple Pies on the River Delta" or "Stars Tell Truths that are Hard to Deny". Also, "Check My Stee", a classic hit from the Sucka D's. Enjoy yourselves for long periods of time!

The Experimentalist Podcast Session 020 by Brandon Mitchell

Experimental musical improvs appear all throughout this episode. Other ideas go from Wine(sponsored by Ridge Lytton Springs) to Bruce Willis' character development of John McClaine over Die Hard Sessions 01 thru 05(sponsored by Russia) to this being a new SPORTS Episode. Enjoy!

The Experimentalist Podcast Session 019 by Brandon Mitchell

Time for some recollection of the thoughts and events. Really where are we anyway? Any Closer? Closer to what? Oh, the questions one can ask. But, we'll save that for another time. The important thing is that it's Father's Day and we should all give thanks in some way to our creator. It is a day like today that we all can realize how many true Experimentalists there are out there, mixing things up and creating. For we would not be here if it weren't for a special concoction and it's very special concocter.